Join Meg for any or all of these delicious sessions. First we move in a mellow & restorative way to prep you for the magic, where you are then immersed in a meditative experience where you are “bathed” in sound waves created by Meg and her different instruments: sound bowls, rain sticks, etc..

    SEPTEMBER 15, Sunday 6:00pm • downtown

    OCTOBER 20, Sunday 4:00pm • waterside

    NOVEMBER 17, Sunday 6:00pm • downtown


    This is a delicious 50/50 class,. The first half you will enjoy our signature power flow sweat, then shift into chill mode for the second half, where you will do less poses holding them each for a couple mins. Power then stretch.

    SEPTEMBER 17, 7:15pm • downtown


    60 minutes dedicated to recovery, reset, and restoration. A blend of yin yoga and restorative yoga. Holding postures for longer (2-5 minutes) to focus on relaxing the muscles and send energy to the ligaments & tendons. Props will be used. All levels welcome

    SEPTEMBER 19, Friday 7:15pm • waterside


    Join Kristin for this small group class will take place in the upstairs loft of our downtown studio. Ages 4-8 recommended. Parents/Guardian can feel free to drop into the SWEAT class downstairs while their kiddo enjoys some movement & play!

    SEPTEMBER 14, Saturday 11:00 - 12:00PM • downtown

    OCTOBER 12, Saturday 11:00 - 12:00PM • downtown

    NOVEMBER 9, Saturday 11:00 - 12:00PM • downtown

  • SWEAT 2.0

    In this pop up class we will get to explore poses we don't often get to do in class. This SWEAT 2.0 will have a Stretched out theme incorporating - binds, balances, inversions, deep stretches, blocks , straps, etc...A unique flow and time to explore your practice.

    SEPTEMBER 15, Sunday 12:00 - 1:15pm • downtown


    Join Katie for an evening of creating connection and community with other women in a safe and sacred environment. Experience intention setting, breath work, gentle yoga, meditation, journaling, open-hearted sharing, and an extended sound bath savasana.

    What to bring and wear: yoga mat, comfortable & cozy clothes you can practice gentle yoga in, journal & pen, your favorite mug (tea will be provided), we also provide: blankets, blocks, bolsters.

    This women’s circle is open to any and all women. Bring your friend, sister, mom, or another lovely woman in your life.

    SEPTEMBER 27, Friday 6:00 - 7:30pm • downtown

    OCTOBER 25, Friday 6:00 - 7:30pm • downtown

    NOVEMBER 22, Friday 6:00 - 7:30pm • downtown